Sunday, April 17, 2011

BEDA failure.

Yay, so I managed to fail at this whole BEDA thing. I wouldn't bother if I were to tell you right now that I met a young NASA astronaut who took me to the space, then was killed by the uncontrollable turbulences when leaving the orbit and so I, not knowing what to do, settled down on Mars and set up a little stone garden there. In those circumstances blogging seems like a disadvantaged option. However, what I did was, I fell asleep. Uncontrollable that was too and unfortunately too long. Because right now my head feels as if I rented the apartment above the Babylon club and could not leave it.

So let's talk about yesterday. I met up with my good friend Klaudia at the tram stop and after some pretty epic tram issues we made it to the bus station (we ended up running to catch the bus but we were such enterprising travelers that despite the rush and general we-still-didn't-figure-out-what-we're-doing-today feeling we forced the driver to give us discount). Eventually we found ourselves in the charming town of Kórnik where we took our coats off in the first place (the weather is so freaky, it was 20 degrees Celsius yesterday but now it's around 5) and talked to a random dude who wanted a picture with us in the second.

Basically we were there to shoot for the Knightley Academy EP Music Video Contest (which by the way is a hell to edit) so we started off as soon as we got there. Klaudia switched her artsy director side on and I was teaching her the particularisms of YouTube ("You can't hold it vertically, GAAAH!!!"). We also spent a fortune on the groceries and found some random people in baroque costumes that we invited to take part in the video.

Then we proceeded to the beautiful castle of Kórnik (I don't know if I mentioned it earlier but I'm crazy about castellology, the study of castles that is. I've visited loads of them, but that's for another time).


We did some shooting, some visiting, we stalked a guy who was drawing the elevation of the castle and were hanging out on the drawbridge. The castle also has a beautiful park that we wanted to walk around but actually ended up sitting on a bench and eating all the junk food we had. We were also surfing on a collapsed tree trunk and taking silly pictures, missed a bus and then were super annoying in the next one we caught.

You know the best part? Now I don't even know if I am able to get the video on my computer, because the camera is too old for its wire to go into my Mac but my PC is too slow for either Adobe or Corel and there is no way of capturing it. I HATE TECHNOLOGY. Or maybe I should get a flip? Blaaah! I'm angry.

Song of the day: Get Back To Hogwarts  from AVPM (Kristen reminded me of how I love this song :)

1 comment:

  1. I've never seen AVPM, but I LOVE THE MUSIC. It's so perfect in every way. :) And I'm so jealous that you have castles...I've never been to one, but I feel like they'd seem almost alive with history!
