Being as special as it is, today was one of those days you are afraid you won't be able to make as much of as you would wish.
I did everything there was to be done earlier so that I could devote this day entirely to what used to be something I could not imagine a day without in the past and what my daily routine sadly lacks in right now - reading. I used to hide under the comforter with a flashlight and read until 3 o'clock (or until my mum would bust me). And when we went on vacation I took 3-4 books, believing that I would not be able to read more than that and not wanting the luggage to be too heavy, but I usually I ended up bringing new books from every single place we went.
It's rather depressing when I look at the list of books I read so far in 2011. I've been reading Great Expectations for 3 months! (with all the books for school I had to read and also the only opportunity to read for pleasure being on the bus).
So as I seriously needed to catch up on my reading, I took the opportunity of World Book and Copyright Day (April 23rd) to seclude myself from the outside life and bury myself in the world of ink and paper.
So here's the list of everything I read today:
-The Book of Judges (and developed even greater annoyance with Delilah)
- Great Expectations by Charles Dickens (finished)
-an amazing women's weekly magazine, this week featuring: the story about a very inspiring woman from my city who works on the resocialization of homeless alcoholics in London; an article about Annie Leibovitz; an article about the Duggar family; an interview with some playwright and some recipes using flowers (I love reading recipes by the way)
-Bookends by Jane Green (just started)
-BEDAs I'm following :)
-the labels of the chocolate bunnies I ate today. Which is a very large number.
The interesting thing is, I struggled so much with Dickens, because I had no time, and I was starting to get annoyed with my impossibility to finish it, but when I did, I felt sad. Reading it for the first time in original I remembered what I love so much about this book and that it was with me every single bus ride for one third of this year. It was a part of the daily routine and finishing it seems like stepping into a new era.
So a few thanks:
Thank you, Mr. Gutenberg for your movable type. I know this isn't very likely, but what if we skipped straight to E-readers? That would be a pure nightmare.
Thank you, Mr. Shakespeare for those 1700 words you invented and if I ever get to use the Tardis - you know I'm all yours.
Thank you, Mr. Dickens for being with my everyday for those past 3 months. It meant a lot to me.
Thank you, Lucy Maud for my childhood and my love for literature.
Thank you, Joanne Kathleen for my first long-term relationship with a guy (we've been together for 10 years, haven't we, Harry?) and for joining me with people I call my best friends now.
Thank you, Hans Christian for my passion for fairytales and storytelling.
I don't thank neither of you, Emily or Jane Bronte, for having my eyes cried out for multiple nights. But you know I still love you both.
Thank you, Woody Allen for making my laugh so hard.
Thank you, J.D. Salinger for making me realize I wasn't the only one who felt that way.
Thank you, John Green for imagining people complexly.
Thank you, Astrid Lindgren for the first book I read by myself.
Thank you, Truman Capote for the breakfast.
Thank you C.S. Lewis, because it was the good time, we've had.
Song of the day: The Bunny Song - Veggie Tales
Very appropriate today.
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